SAT SEPT 7. 11:50 - 12:30 Paint the Change: Jo Skoulikas and Saleem Vaillancourt, with festival artist Hyuro in conversation
Joanne Skoulikas is a public art, event and educational workshop producer in London. Her background includes five years as a corporate lawyer for a US law firm, a business owner, and producing events in London. She has been working with Paint the Change for the last two years.
About Paint the Change: Paint the Change creates local and global street art campaigns to highlight social justice issues and to create opportunities for community outreach. Launched by Canadian-Iranian journalist, Maziar Bahari, who was the subject of John Stewart's 2014 film Rosewater, our projects have developed a network of artists across the world and are complemented with short and long-form documentaries.
Our biggest street art campaign to date, 'Education Is Not A Crime', spanned 40 murals around the world and was documented in our award-winning film 'Changing the world One Wall at a Time'.
Paint the Change has joined forces with Hyuro to take part in Nuart 2019. We've long wanted to work with Hyuro, who, as an artist, represents everything we love about the power of street art to start difficult but important conversations.
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7. 11:50–12:30 Paint the Change: Jo Skoulikas and Saleem Vaillancourt, with festival artist Hyuro in conversation
Jo Skoulikas and Saleem Vaillancourt, from Paint the Change, a global street art project for social justice, present this groundbreaking project, in conversation with festival artist Hyuro.
Our at-a-glance program of keynote speeches, presentations, panel debates, film premieres, workshops, special events and more
Announcing Evan Pricco (US) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
FRI SEPT 6. 15:30 - 16:30, Norwegian Street Art Practice: Towards an Institute for Critical Street Art
Arne Tellefsen is an artist and co-founder of KRS Gadekunstlaug in Kristiansand, southern Norway.
FRI SEPT 6. 15:30 - 16:30 Norwegian Street Art Practice: Towards an Institute for Critical Street Art
Eric Ness Christiansen is a graffiti artist and curator of UGANGprosjektet in Drammen, one of the biggest graffiti happenings in Norway, covering close to 5000 m2...
FRI SEPT 6. 11:10–12:00 Erik Hannerz: Rewriting the city: Subcultural play and urban creativity
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6. 11:10–12:00 Erik Hannerz: Rewriting the city: Subcultural play and urban creativity & FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6. 12:30–13:00 Memory and Creative Dest...
FRI SEPT 6. 12:00–12:20 Malcolm Jacobson: Fucking up the city: Middle aged graffiti writers and memories of youth
Announcing Malcolm Jacobson (SE) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
FRI SEPT 6. 12:20–12:30 Selina Miles: Filming the City
Announcing Selina Miles (AU) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
FRI SEPT 6. 14:00–14:30 Kadri Lind and Sirla: Stencibility – Independent Anarcho-Street Art
Announcing Kadri Lind (EE) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
FRI SEPT 6. 14:00–14:30 Kadri Lind and Sirla: Stencibility – Independent Anarcho-Street Art
Announcing Sirla (EE) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
FRI SEPT 6. 14:30–15:00 Vile Films present Subvertiser, a short film on festival artist Dr D (UK) followed by a Q&A
After failing his art GCSE (10th grade in the U.S.) dr.d embarked on a plethora of glamorous jobs including rat catcher; building site labourer; taxi radio contro...
FRI SEPT 6. 15:30 - 16:30, Norwegian Street Art Practice: Towards an Institute for Critical Street Art
Announcing Viktor Gjengaar (NO) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
Announcing Saziso Phiri (UK) as one of the moderators for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
Announcing Susan Hansen (UK) as one of the moderators for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
SAT SEPT 7. 11:10–11:50 Stephen Pritchard: More Today Than Yesterday (But Less Than There'll Be Tomorrow)
Announcing Stephen Prichard (UK) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
SAT SEPT 7. 11:50 - 12:30 Paint the Change: Jo Skoulikas and Saleem Vaillancourt, with festival artist Hyuro in conversation
Announcing Joanne Skoulikas (UK) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
SAT SEPT 7. 11:50–12:30 Paint the Change: Jo Skoulikas and Saleem Vaillancourt, with festival artist Hyuro in conversation
Announcing Saleem Vaillancourt (UK) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
SAT SEPT 7. 11:50–12:30 Paint the Change: Jo Skoulikas and Saleem Vaillancourt, with festival artist Hyuro in conversation
Hyuro is an Argentinian artist best known for painterly compositions that combine vernacular depictions of femininity with socio-political undertones.
SAT SEPT 7. 13:30 - 14:00, Splash and Burn film and Q&A with co-founder Charlotte Pyatt
Charlotte Pyatt is a creative professional with a passion for projects activating positive change and discussion through Art.
SAT SEPT 7. 14:00–14:30 Artist talk and Q&A with Paul Harfleet: The Pansy Project
Announcing Paul Harfleet (UK) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
SAT SEPT 7. 14:30–15:00 Artist talk and Q&A with Jad El Khoury: Tower of Wind
In association with Venice's Arte Laguna Prize we’re delighted to welcome the first recipient of a Nuart residency award, Jad El Khoury.
SAT SEPT 7. 14:30–15:00 Artist talk and Q&A with Jad El Khoury: Tower of Wind – with Sami Wakim, Founder of Street Art United States.
Announcing Sami Wakim (US) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.
Announcing Martha Cooper (US) as one of the speakers for this year's Nuart Plus Conference.