SPY (ES) is an urban artist whose first endeavors date back to the mid-eighties. Shortly after, already nationally known as a graffiti artist, he started to explore other forms of artistic communication on the streets. His work involves the appropriation of urban elements through transformation or replication, commentary on urban reality and the interference in its communicative codes.
The bulk of his production stems from an acute observation of the city and an appreciation of its components, not as inert elements but as a palette of materials overflowing with possibilities. His interventions are characterized by his playful spirit, careful attention to the context of each piece, and a non-invasive, constructive attitude to his surroundings.
SpY wants his pieces to be a parenthesis in the automated inertia of the urban dweller. They are pinches of intention hidden in a corner for whoever wants to let themselves be surprised. Filled with equal parts irony and uplifting humor, they are prone to raise a smile, incite reflection, and to favour an enlightened conscience.
Web : spy-urbanart.com