±maismenos± is an intervention art project by Portuguese visual artist and graphic designer Miguel Januário (b. 1981) that began in the scope of an academic thesis in 2005, and later gained a life of its own. It offers a critical reflection on the model of political, social and economic organisation inherent to contemporary urban societies.
Conducting a clinical dissection of reality that plays with the system of dualities intrinsic to the Western ideological edifice, the project's programmatic expression is conceptually reduced to an equation of simplicity and excluding opposites: more/less, positive/negative, black/white.
Under the ±maismenos± banner, Januário has been producing thought-provoking, cutting-edge work both indoors and outdoors in a variety of media – from video to sculptural installations to painting and performance.
Besides numerous illegal public art interventions in several countries, the project has also been showcased in solo and group exhibitions in various institutional contexts and at leading art festivals and events around the world including Nuart Festival in Stavanger in 2014.
±maismenos± has also been the subject of two TED talks, at TEDxLuanda (Luanda, 2014) and TEDxPorto (Porto, 2015). The project is also the focus of Januário's ongoing PhD research at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto.
Maismenos Interview from NUART on Vimeo.