Nipper is a Bergen-based artist whose work focuses on social ideals of sharing, creativity and citizen-led communication in public space.
For Nuart 2016 Nipper will present his Mission Directives project, which creates alternative zones of communication through the installation of temporary and interactive artworks in and around city centres. By questioning who has the power and authority to communicate messages and create meaning in our shared spaces - and the public’s relationship to their urban environment - Mission Directives becomes part of a broader conversation of social significance.
Each of Nipper’s Mission Directives come in one of the following three forms:
1. Gift : an artwork for the finder to take with them
2. Special Order : a Gift for the finder to take with them along with instructions to perform a specific artistic action in public space
3. Special Invitation : a Gift for the finder to take with them along with an invitation to make a new Mission Directive using the materials provided (marker pen, spray paint, acrylic, pencil, paper and/or stencil).
The hash-tag #missiondirectives provides hints to the locations of his artworks, which will be situated in three key areas of the city: Storhaug in the east part of the city, the city centre, and along Pedersgata (the main artery that connects the two).