Miss.Printed (b.1973) is a Dutch street artist based in Norway and specializing in collage.
She became familiar with mimeographing or ‘riso’ printing while working at Knust Press in Nijmegen, Netherlands. In summer 2007 she emigrated to rural Norway, where she now lives, and developed her passion for ‘Locative Collage’: small paper collages which she places in outdoor settings and then photographs.
Miss.Printed loves to combine paper elements with its predators: water, fire, snow, wind and sunlight, and reinforces the narrative element of the stories she wants to tell through her keen eye for composition and placement. She does not use any form of digital editing.
Miss.Printed has been working with Locative Collage and collage since 2014 and has had several exhibitions in Norway and USA. In August 2016 she opened a museum, The Scandinavian Collage Museum, and she is also the founder of The Collage Club, an international group of collage artists that uses the same given image at any one time to make collages around the world. She is also the founder of The Collage Garden, a project which grows paper gardens around the world.