Nuart Festival and local transport company Kolumbus present the world's first series of curated Street Art buses as part of our plan to establish Stavanger as the world's first ‘Art City’.
To date, nationally and internationally renowned street artists Add Fuel (PT), Ampparito (ES), Ernest Zacharevic (LT), Jaune (BE), Martin Whatson (NO), M-city (PL) and Hama Woods (NO) have created six designs that transform each bus into three-dimensional, mobile artworks.
Kolumbus administrate the public transport in Rogaland County with 85,000 journeys registered daily on the company’s buses.
Add Fuel, who typically reinterprets the traditional ‘azulejo’ tile designs of his native Lisbon, took inspiration from the traditional textile patterns synonymous with Stavanger. Ernest Zacharevic’s bus channels the spirit of Mondrian while Martin Whatson’s effort includes a trademark tapestry of graffiti. Norway's leading female stencil artist Hama Woods, who deals with themes of the environment and sustainability in her work, was specially commissioned to decorate Kolumbus’ two new el-buses which run solely on electricity.
Follow the links for more in depth articles about M-city, Ampparito and Jaune's contributions to the project.
Art City
The project is the latest development in Nuart’s long-term strategy to establish Stavanger as the world’s first ‘Art City’ through producing a public art programme that runs alongside and finds convergence points between Street Art and the region’s Smart City programs. The intent being to develop the region as an international ‘hub’ and destination for Street Art culture all year around.
James Finucane, General Manager at Nuart Festival said “Nuart’s goal is to make art a part of people’s everyday lives: to bring art out of museums and galleries onto the city streets. What better way to achieve this goal, than to have three-dimensional artworks rolling through the city?”
Live Kolstad Kvalsvik, Advisor for Kolumbus said: “These mobile artworks allow even more people to see and experience Nuart Festival. Nuart profiles Stavanger in an exciting way and makes Rogaland a better place to live and work, fully in line with our vision. We look forward to adding more buses to the streets of Stavanger over the next two years."