This year's Nuart Plus symposium explores the twin themes of Space and Place or, to put it another way, Freedom and Security, and what the implications of these often conflicting values could be for the future of the street art movement.
The two-day academic symposium is also supported by a host of off-site debates, artist talks, exclusive film premieres and workshops at venues across Stavanger exploring similar themes.
All events are free, unless stated otherwise on the program.
16·15–17·00 Nuart Kick-Off: Artist Presentation by Milu Correch (AR)
Location: Kunstskolen i Rogaland, Birkelands gate 2
Argentina's Milu Correch presents an "Anti-Ted Talk" talk about Street Art, with added bonus track on how the heterosexual system manifests within it.
"A deconstructive point of view on some Street Art truths that should be avoided in order to reach wall paintings decolonized potential. The capitalization of poverty, the new virtual wall, individualist consumption, virtue signaling/merchandizing, colonization process, hegemonic industry and other simple and light subjects might be mentioned." Milu Correch
19·00 The Observer - solo show by Skurk (NO)
Location: Nuart Gallery, Salvågergata 10
Drawing on the artist´s deep-rooted fascination with the woods and an increasing desire to leave behind the digital tools of the trade, each artwork in Skurk´s debut solo show is the result of a time-consuming, labour-intensive analogue process. Within each artwork lies a hidden message seamlessly blended into the tree-rings: an observation of a time and place in history that this particular tree has lived through.
11·30 Nuart x Attende: Official Unveiling
Location: Folkets Hus, Løkkeveien 22, 4008 Stavanger
Internationally renowned mural artist Fintan Magee joins forces with Nuart and Attende for the second iteration of our Social Inclusion Through Street Art project, which aims to inspire action and change. Join Nuart and Attende for the unveiling of Fintan's new mural by Stavanger Mayor, Christine Sagen Helgø.
21·00 Fight Club: Space vs Place
Location: KÅKÅ, Valberget 3
It’s the constant risk, and perhaps fate of subcultures in general: drift into obscurity, or accept the change and calcify into an acceptable form that pays the bills? Space or place? Freedom or security? You, the audience decide.
10·00 –17·00 Seminar Day 1: SPACE (FREEDOM)
Location: Tou Scene, Kvitsøygata 25
Eminent geographer Yi-Fu Tuan in his seminal Space and Place (1977) defined place as ‘security’ and space as ‘freedom.’ We are attached to one and long for the other, and perhaps this is what makes Nuart a ‘festival’, providing the security of place whilst offering the freedom of space. It was with this in mind that earlier in the year we decided – in spite of the funding cuts and ongoing campaigns to regulate access to public space – to invite more artists than ever before – twice as many in fact – to organise the disorganisation of the festival and offer the opportunity of greater freedom, of greater space, for artists to move through and work in.
Day 1 of the Nuart Plus symposium explores the theme of Space: from the slippage and synergy between material and virtual spaces, as critical spaces of resistance and creativity, to the curatorial strategies and ways of organising that can help provide the conditions for exploring points of resistance within sanctioned and unsanctioned street art practice.
10·00–10·10 Welcome and introduction
by Nuart Plus host Dr. Susan Hansen, Middlesex University
10·10–10·40 Keeping On: There is no alternative, let’s look for one
Keynote speech by Professor Mike Watson, John Cabot University
10·40–11·00 Snitches, Glitches and Untold Riches: graffiti and street art on Instagram
Presentation by Dr Lachlan MacDowell, University of Melbourne
11·00–11·20 Comfort break
11·20–11·40 Navigating the “Post-Street Art" Milieu
Presentation by the artist Vlady (IT)
11·40–12·20 Panel debate: Art Memes
Discussion led by: Evan Pricco (Managing Editor of Juxtapoz Magazine)
Panel: Professor Mike Watson, Dr Lachlan MacDowell and Vlady
12·20–13·10 Lunch
13·10–13·40 Disrupting Space, From The Artist´s Perspective
Artist presentations by Alice Pasquini (IT) and Carrie Reichardt (UK)
13·40–14·00 Curating Space
Q&A with Evan Pricco, Editor-in-Chief, Juxtapoz Magazine
14·00–14·30 Panel debate: From The Margins To The Mainstream
Discussion led by: Dr. Susan Hansen
Panel: Alice Pasquini, Carrie Reichardt and Evan Pricco
14·30–14·45 Comfort break
14·45–15·30 Norwegian Street Art Practice
Presentations by Viktor Gjengaar (Director of Urban Samtidskunst in Oslo), Arne Vilhelm Tellefsen (Curator of KRS Gadekunstlaug in Kristiansand) and Eric Ness Christiansen (Graffiti artist, curator of UGANGprosjektet in Drammen)
15·30–16·15 Panel debate: Public/Private
Discussion led by: Dr. Susan Hansen
Panel: Viktor Gjengaar, Arne Villhelmsen and Eric Ness Christiansen
16·30–17·00 Nuart Journal Launch. Issue 1
Nuart Journal is a forum for critical discourse and commentary on urban art cultures and street art practice. This inaugural issue marks a pivot point in the development of what could be termed a ‘critical street art’.
19·30–21·30 The Man Who Stole Banksy – Scandinavian Premiere
Location: SF Kino, Sølvberggata 2
Tickets: 100NOK
Seniors/students: 90NOK
(tickets available here)
Introduced by co-writer Christian Omodeo, followed by a Q&A
The Man Who Stole Banksy is not just a film about Banksy's involvement with Palestine. It is a way to show Palestinians, not as victims, but as people who are actively fighting for their rights. It also tells the story of street art's commodification and transformation into heritage. We wanted to realize a portrait of what street art has become in the last decade. Street Art has become mainstream. Museums and institutions are now ready not only to show it, but also to buy artworks for their own collections. But what does this mean? What kinds of narratives are we recreating? What is the institutional history of street art that curators are writing today? Through the lens of a wall carried from Palestine to Denmark and London, we discovered what was happening in Bologna and used the Blu story as a way to interrogate the museum's new narratives of street art.
10·00 –16·45 Seminar Day 2: PLACE (SECURITY)
Location: Tou Scene, Kvitsøygata 25
Madrid based researcher Javier Abarca has written insightfully on the creeping dominance of the authoritarian neo-liberal Mural scene, rebranded as ‘street art’ festivals, and the dangers that come with it: complicity with city developers and gentrification projects, the instrumentalising of art for tourism, murals as placemaking (or placetaking) the somnambulant street art tour, and growing corporate influence. Curators, organisers and artists alike shrug their shoulders in resigned fashion, “whatcha gonna do?”
Day 2 of the Nuart Plus symposium explores the theme of Place via a critical examination of street art’s role in placemaking, placetaking, placestaking, displacement and more.
10·00–10·10 Welcome and introduction
by Nuart Plus host Dr. Susan Hansen, Middlesex University
10·00–10·50 Art & Belonging: on place, displacement and placelessness
Keynote by Professor Alison Young, University of Melbourne
10·50–11·10 Comfort break
11·10–11·30 Street Art, Graffiti and the Moral Right of Integrity: can artists oppose the destruction and removal of their works?
Presentation by Dr Enrico Bonadio, University of London
11·30–11·50 Gentrify This
Presentation by the artist Milu Corrrech (AR)
11·50–12·30 Panel debate: Culture, The Commodity Which Helps Sell All The Others
Discussion led by: Christian Omodeo (FR)
Panel: Professor Alison Young, Dr Enrico Bonadio and Milu Correch
12·30–14·30 Lunch and festival opening
14·30–15·00 Dispatchwork
Presentation by the artist Jan Vormann (DE)
15·00–15·20 A Promise To Remember
Presentation by the artist Jazoo Yang (KR)
15·20–15·40 Comfort break
15·40–16·00 Time, Space & Memory
Presentation by the artist Said Dokins (MX)
16·00–16·45 Panel debate: Place, Loss & Memory
Discussion led by: Professor Alison Young
Panel: Jan Vormann, Jazoo Yang and Said Dokins
10·00–17·00 TRAFO workshop with Conzo & Glöbel (UK)
Location: Tou Scene, Kvitsøygata 25
Colin Davidson and Ciaran Glöbel aka Conzo & Glöbel host a hand-on workshop for youths aged 16-22 years old at this year’s Nuart Festival in Stavanger, courtesy of TRAFO youth organisation.
19·00-22·00 'Space is the Place' Exhibition Opening
Location: Skur 2, Skansekaien 23
In addition to facilitating a diverse range of artistic expression within the public sphere, Nuart presents a group exhibition of studio-based work by this year´s participating artists alongside pieces drawn from the Nuart Collection. Join us for the opening on Saturday 8 September, kl.19:00!
13·00 Street Art Tour*
Meeting point: Tou Scene, Kvitsøygata 25
The first of our weekly Street Art Tours where our Nuart guides discuss the works and the artists behind them as well as some insider and behind the scenes stories. (Approx. 90 minutes)
*Tour given in English