Featuring Evan Pricco, managing editior of Juxtapoz, Rj Rushmore founder of Vandalog, Maismenos Portugese intervention artist and Mathieu Tremblin, French urban interventionist. Moderated by Eirik Sjåholm Knudsen.
The legendary fight club is back, the event that has seen the likes of Saber, HowNosm, Ron English, Carlo McCormick and many others take to the floor pint in hand to take panelists to task. Team Captains, Evan Pricco (Juxtapoz Magazine) and RJ Rushmore (Vandalog) arguing on behalf of the contemporary mural art movement and artists Maismenos (PT) and Mathieu Tremblin (Fr) accusing in the name of activist art, will battle to inebriation as to which is the more valid public art form.